Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Entry #1

            Today in lab we started our term project-a MicroAquarium. Setting the aquarium up was a relatively easy procedure. I started by taking two glass slides that had been glued together and filled it up with water from the container labeled number seven. This water is from the pond at the University of Tennessee Hospital, Cherokee Trail. The water was very murky and basically what I would consider dirty water. I filled the aquarium’s bottom with a thin layer of the soil in the water and then finished filling the aquarium with water. After that I proceeded by placing a sample from plant A and a sample from plant B into the water. I made sure my lid fit correctly and then placed the aquarium under the microscope for observation. While observing my aquarium I noticed lots of movement and rather unusual looking things. For instance I saw something that resembled a microscopic tick. I also found several green orbs that contained smaller green orbs. The most common organisms that I noticed were very small black circles that moved like they were rolling. The soil was where most of the activity was going on. Also around the plants were several different things I’m not familiar with. This was as far as my first observation of the aquarium went, but I look forward to continuing my research.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation on your first posting. Your discriptions of the activities in the microaquaium are good. I have a few recomendations on inproving your plant and water sources. Give plant a and b their names and complete location information. Also give the complete location information for your water source. Then cite the class blog as your source for this information. Make sure you look at the CBE citation guide (see page 150 of labbook) to understand the proper way to cite a website.
